Staying with the Potters

Monday, November 24


A couple of months ago a movie production company called us and wanted to know if we would be willing to rent our house to a movie star who was going to be in town for about 5 weeks while they were shooting a movie.  She came to look at the house and it ended up being Demi Moore!  (For everyone who doesn't keep up with movie stars, we had to look her up to see who she was, too!)  :)  The providential timing of it led us to say yes.

The Potter's graciously opened up their home to us, so we had the privilege of staying with them for about 4 of the 5 weeks that we were out of our house.   We all had a blast!  :)  I can't end this post without sharing this song that Mrs. Potter wrote lamenting our departure.  :)

(Sung to the tune of One Vacant Chair)

Four Vacant Chairs

We will eat, but we shall miss them,
There will be 4 vacant chairs,
We shall long to hear their laughter
Wafting from the rooms upstairs.

When a day ago we gathered,
Joy was in their bright green eyes.
But the Potter girls are coming;
All the Weathers were surprised.

At our fireside, bored and lonely,
Deal the cards, 4 chairs, not 8.
Our remembrance of Steve's stories,
Comments from Joe, Luke and Kay.

How he slowly took the math test,
All throughout the long school day.
Even through his long lunch hour,
He endured what Kay might say.

True they tell such funny stories,
And the jokes come from all four.
If you want to get to know them,
Rent their house to Demi Moore.

Sleep tonight, the house is quiet;
Weathers gone to a hotel bed.
Sounds no more from late-night snacking,
mingle with the tears we shed.

We will eat, but we shall miss them.
There will be 4 vacant chairs.
We shall long to hear their laughter
Wafting from the rooms upstairs.

                                                    Leslie Potter


Demi Moore was very warm and gracious to us during her stay.  She invited us to come to the set and watch them film the last scene, so we got a real behind-the-scenes look at filming a movie.

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She took us on the set for a few minutes, and then we watched them film the last scene of the movie from the monitor room with the producers.

GA Civil War History Tour

Saturday, November 22

Last weekend we went on a GA Civil War history tour with around 90 others led by Bill Potter.  We visited the Chickamauga battlefield, the Kennesaw battlefield, the Cyclorama in Atlanta, & Oakland Cemetery.





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Nanny's Birthday

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Christians at the Crossroads - Conference

Tuesday, November 18

Two Remarkable Days with America's Visionary Family


"This two-day event will give Christians a vision to turn tumultuous times into opportunities for advancing the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

The economy is failing. The Obama Administration will attempt to move the nation irreversibly into international socialism. The Church has lost its moral compass, and has surrendered its influence on society and culture.  However, the Christian family can stand, grow, prosper, and lead during such historic times of social instability.  But is the Christian family in America strong enough to rise to the challenge of the next four years?  How about the darker challenges that lie beyond?  What will become of the family, the church and the civil government in the 21st century?

For two enlightening and life-changing days, Geoffrey Botkin will be joined in Columbus by his remarkable family to talk about the timeless issues of family faithfulness, family strength and family leadership..."   Read More